November 24, 2014

Unicorn Light Catcher, Ocean Bliss

Unicorn Light Catcher, Ocean Bliss

This is a wall piece that I have custom made for a little boy who wished from his mom a dream catcher for Christmas. Instead of a dream catcher I decided to make a piece with the essence of the Unicorns; Love, purity, harmony, happiness, and gentleness. 

As I tuned in to his energy, I felt that blue was the color he enjoys and benefits from. He are to feel safe, calm and lightful/playful, which the color blue represents. As I started to create this, I got a feeling of his deep connection to the water element, and how the ocean and all its wonders bring/may bring him a sense of home and purpose. As he's energy is very much connected to the water element, which is about the feminine principles of receptivity, nurture, fluidity, pure beingness, emotions- he is indeed a sensitive, emotional being that needs to feel free and safe, have room to just be and enjoy his sacred space. In this sacred space of his, he will open many doors to wonders and miracles in his life, he will passionately walk his own unique trail.

This Unicorn Light catcher is like a magnet for the Light of the Unicorns, and it emanates this. It has three lovely feathers that I've found out in nature this past summer. It has a Pure Love essence quartz hanging in the middle, clear quartz beads at the circle, and I also put some seashells on it to bring in the energy of the magical sea.

If you would like to make a custom order, please contact me via the contact form on my Bubble of Love web page Here

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